ZapTheme Premium Blogger Templates
Template Features
We provide the best features to enhance your blog
Fast Loading
Our template is optimized for quick loading speeds across all browsers.
Plugin Support
Our template is compatible with a wide range of useful plugins to extend its functionality.
SEO Optimized
Get your blog to the top of search results with built-in SEO features.
Dark Theme
User can use Dark theme as there choice.
Shortcode Support
Easily write comment or post by awesome shortcodes.
Responsive Design
Theme will automatically adjust on both desktop and mobile devices.
Post Blocks
Write note blocks with our built-in designs.
In our theme have many typographies built-in designs.
Template Plugins
More advanced templates with plugins
Progressive Web App
Single Page Application
Live Search
Ajax Pagination
Watermark Plugin
SafeLink Plugin
Disable Copy/Paste
Bookmark Plugin
Split Post Plugin
Table of Contents Plugin
Network Status Plugin
Font Plugin
AMP Plugin
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